О.Тлейханы нэрэмжит Барилгын политехник коллежийн хичээлийн шинэ жилийн нээлт ёслол төгөлдөр болж өндөрлөлөө.
2024-2025 оны хичээлийн жилд мэргэжлийн болон техникийн боловсрол олгох сургалтын 18 мэргэжлийн 700 гаруй оюутан, суралцагч шинээр элслээ.
Мөн шинээр элссэн суралцагчдын эцэг эх, асран хамгаалагчдад мэргэжлийн чиг баримжаа олгох “НЭЭЛТТЭЙ ХААЛГАНЫ ӨДӨРЛӨГ” зохион байгууллаа.
Эрдэмт багш сурган хүмүүжүүлэгч, ажилтан алба хаагч, нийт суралцагчдадаа баярын мэнд хүргэж амжилт хүсье.
Great job on this post! Your thorough research and clear explanations make it a must-read for anyone interested in the topic. I learned a lot from this article and will definitely be referring back to it in the future. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
This article was incredibly insightful! Your detailed explanations and well-organized content made it easy to follow along. I appreciate the practical examples you included, as they really helped to illustrate your points. Thank you for sharing such valuable information.
Thank you for this comprehensive and engaging post. Your clear and concise writing style makes it easy to follow along, even with more complex topics. I learned a lot from this article and will definitely be referring back to it in the future. Keep up the great work!
I appreciate you taking the time to write and share this insightful piece. It was clear and concise, and I found the data to be really useful. Your time and energy spent on this article’s research and writing are much appreciated. Anyone interested in this topic would surely benefit from… Бусад »
Excellent piece! Your thorough summary is much appreciated. I now see the issue from a different angle thanks to your insightful comments. You made your points quite clearly with the examples you included. You have my gratitude for penning this.
I really enjoyed this article. Your writing style is engaging and the information you provided is very useful. The detailed explanations and practical examples made it easy to follow along. Thank you for creating such a valuable resource.
I really enjoyed reading this article. Your clear and concise explanations make it easy to grasp even the more complex topics. I appreciate the effort you put into providing such detailed information. This is a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn more about this subject.
Jeg setter pris på at du tok deg tid til å skrive og dele denne innsiktsfulle artikkelen. Den var klar og konsis, og jeg fant dataene veldig nyttige. Din tid og energi brukt på forskning og skriving av denne artikkelen er sterkt verdsatt. Enhver som er interessert i dette emnet… Бусад »
Thank you for this well-written and informative post. The depth of your analysis is impressive, and your writing style is engaging. I learned a lot from this article and will definitely be referring back to it in the future. Keep up the great work!
Utmerket stykke! Din grundige oppsummering er sterkt verdsatt. Jeg ser nå saken fra en annen vinkel takket være dine innsiktsfulle kommentarer. Du gjorde dine poeng veldig tydelige med eksemplene du inkluderte. Jeg er takknemlig for at du skrev dette.
Jeg setter pris på at du tok deg tid til å skrive og dele denne innsiktsfulle artikkelen. Den var klar og konsis, og jeg fant dataene veldig nyttige. Din tid og energi brukt på forskning og skriving av denne artikkelen er sterkt verdsatt. Enhver som er interessert i dette emnet… Бусад »
An informative and well-written piece. The principles are easily understood and applied thanks to your thorough explanations and practical examples. Thank you for taking the time to provide such detailed information. Your time and knowledge are much appreciated.